A downloadable rpg maker plugin

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KoTC Optimized Auto Scaling Minimap Basic [Free] 
KoTC Optimized Auto Scaling Minimap Advanced [Premium] 
KoTC Optimized Pathfinding System [Premium] 
KoTC Basic Optimized Roguelike Line of Sight [Free]
KoTC Optimized Basic Onscreen Waypoint System [Free]
KoTC Optimized Advanced Onscreen Waypoint System [Premium]
KoTC Optimized Dynamic Music System [Free]
KoTC Roguelike Visual Loot Drop System [Premium]

Current Plugin Description:

A retro style rogue like line of sight system for RPG Maker MV and MZ.

Setting maps you want it to be active on.
Setting  the default vision range of those maps.
Overriding vision range if the default range is shorter, for items such as flashlights or torches.
Can add or remove maps, and change their settings mid game with the script calls and plugin commands.
More to be added soon, make suggestions!

Line of sight is based on the tops of the A4 wall tiles.
Plugin Command: KoTCRoguelikeVisionOverride
Script Call: KoTCRoguelikeVisionOverride(range); 10 max. 0 for disabled. 

Usually for when one wants an item such as a torch or lantern to light
a dark area. Allows line of sight on maps that are not on the map rules list.

Plugin Command: KoTCRoguelikeVisionAddMap
Script Call: KoTCRoguelikeVisionAddMap(mapid, visionrange);

Adds map to have vision rules.

Plugin Command: KoTCRoguelikeVisionRemoveMap
Script Call: KoTCRoguelikeVisionRemoveMap(mapid, visionrange);
Removes map from vision rules.

Terms of Usage: Free to use for commercial and non commercial use as long as you credit me. If you were to make a game commercially with my script id appreciate it if you messaged me about it.

Change Log:
V1.13 Fixed even more issues with commands, smoothed out transition into map that has limited vision.
V1.1 Fixed and adjusted commands for both MV and MZ.
V1 Released

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
AuthorKnight of the Celestial
Tagskotc, line-of-sight, los, mv, mz, optimized, Roguelike, RPG Maker, system, vision


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

KoTC Basic Optimized Roguelike Line of Sight V1.14.zip 3.8 kB

Development log


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(2 edits)

Hey Knight o/

Love your work, man. You've got some fun stuff in your plugin pile and so far each one is so lightweight on processing power, I can even use them on resource heavy mobile projects.

EDIT: My previous issue fixed itself.

Thanks again for the great plugins!

(1 edit)

Thanks again for this great plugin. If you ever get around to adding anything more to it, the only thing I wished I had throughout my development was a way to script call or plugin command a check to see whether or not an event was in the player's line of sight. That'd be sick. o/

EDIT: It took some work but I figured out how to do it. Here's how I did it in case you ever want an idea for an update --- Within your KoTCRogueLikeLoSCheck() function I added $gameVariables.setValue(1, []); at the very start of the function then added $gameVariables.value(1).push([losarray[d][0], losarray[d][1]]); within the if ($KoTCRoguelikeLoSMap[losarray[d][0]] !== undefined && $KoTCRoguelikeLoSMap[losarray[d][0]][losarray[d][1]] == 0) statement.

Lastly, inside the event that I want to know whether or not it can be seen I add this script call:

$gameVariables.setValue(2, $gameVariables.value(1).toString());

ev = $gameMap.event(this.eventId());

$gameVariables.setValue(3, []);

$gameVariables.value(3).push([ev.x, ev.y]);

$gameVariables.setValue(4, $gameVariables.value(3).toString());

Followed by a conditional branch with this script call:

If that script condition returns true, the event is in line of sight. If false, the event is in the fog.

Personally, I needed this feature to keep players from using skills and/or activating proximity triggers on events that were on the other side of a wall or behind a pillar. There's probably a better way to do it but this works for now.

I can't get the plugin to work.

I've called `KoTCRoguelikeVisionOverride(5);` in a script call, but that gave me a reference error: KoTCRoguelikeVisionOverride is not defined.

I get same Trouble.

Deleted post

1.13 is now giving me a sleep is undefined error.  This is when it's run all by itself.  When I run it with the Visustella MZ plugins I don't seem to get much of anything at the moment.  Let me know what ya think.  :)

Oh no! 

Im sorry to hear it, this is a very strange issue, does it happen the moment the game starts, or at a particular time??

Welp, I think I actually managed to bork my project lol.  I tested your version on a fresh one and it's working fine.  I think It's good to go, if I find anything else I'll let ya know.  Thank you again for all the hard work on these addons, top notch!

I am glad that it is operating correctly now at least, best of luck sorting out your project though! :)
You are Always welcome, And thank you for consistently reporting any problem you come across, i appreciate it!

Howdy Pardner.  Plugin commands aren't enabled for scripting calls.  (When you go to Advanced -> Plugin Command)  The commands aren't showing up. 

Deleted 3 years ago

Fixed in V1.12, should all be in working order now, let me know if anything else gives you trouble! :)